Cupid    (LM 166)   Randy Dougherty


Circle left
Cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow go
Left allemande, a dosado, the boys star left and roll
It one time you go, you turn thru and you go
Left allemande, swing your lady, promenade around the land
Straight to my lover's heart for me


The heads/sides square thru, you shake it 4 hands you go
Dosado the corner 1 time & go
Swing thru & let the boys run right
You ferris wheel tonight, pass thru
You touch 1/4, scoot back and go
Swing your corner lady, promenade her home
Straight to my lover's heart for me


Grand square or teacup chain
Well I don't want to bother you but I'm in distress
There's danger of me losing all of my happiness
Before I love a girl who doesn't know I exist
Aw, this you can fix

Heads/sides square thru, swing & promenade


Cupid, if your arrow makes her love strong for me
I swear I'm gonna love her till eternity
I know between the two of us, her heart we can steal
Cupid, help me if you will


Cupid, I'm a calling you